Secure Technologies and Data Storage

As businesses become more aware of how crucial data is to their business, they are also more concerned about safeguarding it. This means securing sensitive information from threats such as natural disasters that can wipe out storage devices and unauthorized deletion or damage by employees. It’s a challenging task that requires balancing three main concerns: confidentiality integrity and accessibility.

Secure Technologies and Data Storage

Data storage security refers to the collection of physical, technical and administrative security measures to safeguard the data and systems from unauthorized access to, tampering, theft, or destruction. It’s a system that covers hardware management, application development, and network security controls. The key to ensuring effective storage security is having a comprehensive security strategy with clear policies, plans and procedures.

Based on the industry and countries in which businesses operate, there may be regulations that impact data security. These include PCI-DSS Sarbanes Oxley and HIPAA. These regulations may set security requirements but they typically leave the choice of the method and technology to the company.

It is a popular and effective method of securing data. It renders files inaccessible until a key has been legally authorized. The cryptographic processing can have a negative impact on performance and slow down applications. This is why new technologies such as Intel(r) Software Guard Extensions are able to accelerate encryption and improve security without impacting performance. This way, businesses can have the best of both worlds: improved performance and greater protection of data.

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